Welcome to the Profitable Blogging Resource List for Blogving, where you can learn to make a living from your blog.
I’m Bonny, and I run and manage this website. I’ve written online professionally and profitably since 1997. [More about me here]
I’ve used every single item on this list, most are in use on this blog. [If they aren’t, it’s only because I needed a more expensive solution, or the item isn’t available anymore].
Before looking at some of the exceptional resources below, please review this important disclosure:
Disclaimer: Most of the links listed below are affiliate links. This means that if you click on a link, I may receive a small commission (at no cost to you), if you purchase or sign-up for something using my link. I have experience using every single company listed, and I only list companies here that I’ve vetted and recommend wholeheartedly. I appreciate my readers using these links, where possible, because they allow me cover the costs of running this blog, thus allowing me to create more freely available content.

NodeHost offers the best web hosting pricing I’ve found; for most WordPress blogs, your monthly hosting costs will run $0.60-$1.20 USD. Customer service is spectacular [I contact them every few months for help with some sort of tech glitch], and great uptime on all servers (99.999% in my experience). I host every single one of my sites with NodeHost, and all the technical how-to’s on Blogving use NodeHost for its examples.

If you don’t want to learn how to set-up a WordPress blog and you’ve got a moderate monthly budget (starting at $39 USD a month), I recommend Podia. No coding required, and everything included (newsletters, sales pages, blog posts, courses, easy connections with payment processors) makes Podia the easiest, if a bit more expensive, site creator.